More Donations!

Complete Book SetOur wonderful friends at the Andrew “Red” Harris Foundation, presented a $67,000 donation of 1,040 five book sets of our “Professor Clark the Science Shark” books to 120 “elementary science coaches” from Broward County’s (Ft Lauderdale) 143 elementary schools on November 7th!

Our progressive reader series pursues our mission of “Protecting the Marine Environment” by “Encouraging Children to Love the Ocean”.

Scott Harris also presented our 1000 set donation to the PalmBeach schools at their science coach training event at the South Florida Science Center on 11/24.

Not only that but they have also shipped the book donation to Hillsborough (Tampa 1000 sets), Brevard (Melbourne/ Cocoa 240 sets) and Clay (125 sets) school districts.

The book donations are going out fast.

Teachers love helping children learn why they should care about the ocean and it’s inhabitants!

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